
Transcribed From:

Vermont Christian Messenger
 Montpelier, Washington County


~Perkins Research~


Vermont Christian Messenger - Montpelier, Washington Co., VT - December 4th, 1858

Mr. Editor - The following is in memory of three children, of Atkins and Mary Perkins, who died in the Spring of 1858

The fading, falling leaves of Autumn remind us of the transitory nature of all things earthly. While these leaves were unfolding, death laid its icy hands upon three little precious rose buds of beauty and they withered and died. The first taken was the young, beautiful, active and gay Alberty Perkins, of nine years. The next, the sedate, modest, retiring, and meditative little Henriet Perkins of six years. The last, little Rosette Perkins, a rose bud of beauty, of only three years. Thus they have gone, gone forever from the circle where they were cherished - the pure, the lovely and the good! In twelve days these little sisters were cold in death. But we know they are happy, and that angels gently bore them to yon blue sky; but oh, for the breaking, bleeding hearts on earth!. Toil on, struggle on, weeping mourners, in the way of duty a little while, and you will be called to that Mansion of light and rejoin the departed. Then grieve not, think not of them as lying in the cold, dark valley, with the green turf raised over them, but as dwellers in a heavenly Paradise! It was not their bodies we loved in life, although they were beautiful, but the soul beaming in the eye, visible in every action, motive and word. Then comfort ye bereaved parents, and may we all be prepared to meet the departed in that better land.








Vermont Christian Messenger - Montpelier, Washington Co., VT - January 13th, 1870

Rev. JUSTIN PERKINS, died in Chicopee, Mass. on Friday. He was for thirty-six years a missionary among the Nestorians, and for several years was editor of a Christian monthly publication known as the Ray's of Light, the only religious paper printed in Persia. He arrived home in August in failing health.