
Transcribed From:

Misc. Pennsylvania Newspapers

~Perkins Research~


1869: May 20th - Pittston Gazette - Pittston, PA

PERKINS - died at Wyoming, PA, April 27th,

Mrs. Sarah Tuthill Perkins

Sister Perkins was born April 4th, 1793, about two miles from where she died, and was consequently in her seventy-seventh year at the time of her death. She had been twice married. Her first husband was Payne Pettebone Sr., her last the late David Perkins, who also preceded her to the spirit world. Her four children, Stougton Pettebone, Esq., of Niagara, N.Y., Payne Pettebone, Esq., of Wyoming, Mrs. J. T. Fellows, of Hyde Park, and Mrs. E. Shafer, of Wyoming, survive her and mourn her loss. She was connected and united with the M. E. Church more than forty years ago, and continued a member of the same until called to the church triumphant. She will be greatly missed by the community, and especially by the older members of the church with whom she has worshiped so long. She was an earnest Christian; faithful in the use of the means of grace. She read much and always had something to say for her master. The writer has often met her in the Love Feast and class-room, and been comforted and strengthened by hearing her talk of Jesus. She suffered much during her last sickness, but did not murmur, she would rather "depart and be with Christ", yet was willing to wait and suffer. During the past few years she has evidently been ripening for the garner; and when the summons came it found her ready.

1873: Oct. 8th - Wyoming Democrat - Tunkhannock, PA

Mrs. C. Perkins, wife of the Rev. Charles Perkins, died at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. John Barnum, in Chicago, Illinois, on the 19th ultimo, in the 58th year of her age. Mrs. Perkins was formerly a resident of this place, and was much endeared to a large circle of friends and acquaintances.

1874: May 25th - Pittsburgh Daily Post - Pittsburgh, PA


Samuel H. Perkins died last night, at the age of seventy-eight years, at his family residence, Walnut street, below Seventh. Deceased was born in Connecticut in 1796, but emigrated to Philadelphia at an early age. He graduated at Yale, and studied law and was admitted to the Bar in this city. He soon secured a large and lucrative civil practice, which he managed until very recently. He was an Elder of the Presbyterian denomination, and a prominent member of what is known as Dr. Barnes' Church. He was the oldest P.G.M. of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania A.Y.M., and the oldest P.G. High Priest of the Grand Chapter of Pennsylvania. Deceased always held a prominent position in our city, and was respected and honored for his many sterling qualities.

  1894: April 10th - The North American - Philadelphia, PA.

Beverly, N.J. April 8th, 1894. Mrs. Anne E. Perkins, died, wife of Francis D. Perkins.

1896: Nov. 27th - The North American - Philadelphia, PA.

Philadelphia, PA: Nov. 24th, 1896. Mr. Howard Perkins, died, son of the late William B. Perkins and Harriet Perkins.

1898: Dec. 31st - The North American - Philadelphia, PA.

Philadelphia, PA. Dec. 29th, 1898. Mrs. Sarah (Smyth) Perkins, died, wife of Dr. E. Stanley Perkins.